Actualités de la communauté Biomutant - The World of Biomutant | PS4
Biomutant - The World of Biomutant | PS4
Biomutant is coming to PS4 on May 25th, 2021. Everything you hear and see in this trailer was captured in game: the music, the footage, everything. No artificial flavoring of any kind. Why is there no action? Because we covered that in the Combat Trailer, go check it out. It's pretty good, too! And why is it so... quiet... and positive? Because there are too many fast-paced, dark and gritty trailers in this world anyway. We are pretty upbeat people and Biomutant is a colorful game. So zip it and enjoy. --- Website: Discord: #Biomutant #THQNordic #Experiment101 Keywords Biomutant,Open world,Action,Adventure,RPG,Roleplaying,THQNordic,THQN,Experiment 101 Mutations,Genetics,Gen manipulation,Customization,Combat,Mechs,Crafting,Modification,Animals,Ferry,third person,martial arts,evolve,monster,melee,guns,survival,moral choices,narrative tree of life,narrator ,cricket,sword,procedural,rocket riding,racoon,colorfull,vibrant,quirky,unique,THQ Nordic,Sweden,Experience 101,post-apocalyptic,dystopian future,mutant powers,bionics,bionic weapons,action game,action rpg kung-fu,fable
il lui en reste encore sous le capot a notre belle PS4
perso je prendrai le jeu pour ma ps5
dommage qu'il n'est pas fait l'effort de l'optimiser pour la PS5 quand meme
J'ai préco ce jeu car il me fait vraiment plaisir au vu des différentes informations et j'ai très envie de supporter les devs
J'attends ce jeu avec impatience.
Celui là j'espère qu'il tient ses promesses parce que je l'attends depuis très longtemps.
Ca donne envie !! Hâte de pouvoir le tester !
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